Nine years ago, Paola Talamini Minotto relocated to Shanghai for her company. It was only a year assignment but she never left. Since then she changed jobs, got married, and had a baby. Her daughter Olivia is now 4 years, speaks fluent mandarin and is a daily inspiration to fill up her blog The Pink Dumpling. " I wanted a name that was cute and recalled the fact we are leaving in china (and you can't avoid the delicious dumplings here ;-)) also Olivia round face when born reminded me those delicious Chinese dish." explains Paola. Started out Paola's passion and expertise in childrenswear, this site is a destination for kids fashion, travels and lifestyle.

  • Tell us a bit about Shanghai...

I love Shanghai and its' contrasts so much, it's a dynamic city, super technological on one side, but very local on the other, very convenient and constantly changing. I simply love it.

  • One word to describe your city ?


  • Where do you like to eat with your daughter ?

We love having breakfast in one of the millions bakeries of Shanghai in our neighborhood (the former French concession). It's a must tostart our day on the week end. Our favorite are Green&Safe & Baker&Spice.

  • Your favorite place for a sweet treat.

We do ice cream on week end, anywhere! Weekdays we always careful and prefer healthy snacks but on week end anything is allowed!

  • What do you do on a sunny day in Shanghai with Olivia ?

We love biking in shanghai when weather allows. It's the best way to discover the city and new hidden areas.

  • How do you keep your daughter busy on a rainy day?

We go to the the National History Museum.

  • Any cultural activities for kids you like around?

Absolutely yes. I am not a playground lover and I rather go to museums or art districts with my daughter. My favorites in Shanghai are Natural History Museum, Power Station of art (an dismissed power station now home to the Biennale of Art), the Long Museum on the river side, M50, previously an old factories area, now home to one of the most famous art district in China.

  •  A peaceful, stroller-friendly place to walk around?

Shanghai is a city of 23 millions person so not quite easy to have a quiet walk ;-) I love walking in the tree lined streets of the French Concession or just having a relaxing time in one of the many nail places and spa.

  •  Let's shop! What are your favorite kids shops?

I love Smallable and Bonton in Paris as you can find literally everything from clothes, to books, to toys to kids décor.

  • Could you recommend a kid-friendly hotel in Shanghai?

Not off hand but in general I love small boutique hotels and always find my my accomodations through,, www.mrandmrssmith.comtablethotels.

  • If you want to leave Shanghai for a week end, where do you go?

If we have a week end we usually escape from China and go to Bali, Japan, Korea or Thailand. At a short train ride from shanghai there is Moganshan which is very relaxing.

  • What is your favorite spot in the world for family vacay?

I love Bali and just back from there recently. We love to stay in villas when we go there and recently stayed at Puri Beji in Canngu,our favorite part of the island. We also loved Villa Shambala where in 2012 we stayed with 8 other friends, just amazing. In Bali I loveDesa Seni for lunch, just a little corner of Paradise.In Venice, my other favorite place, I love little local osterie and I recommend Alla Vedova on the Strada Nuova. I also loved Linea D'ombra an amazing restaurant overlooking the Giudecca canal.[supsystic-gallery id=111]