
"Make loaves not war." The banner above Arizmendi cash register is well known by Inner Sunset's residents. This village-like neighborhood located under the Golden Gate Park, treasures its worker-owned bakery for serving amazing sourdough based baked goods. And that matters to locals as sourdough bread is to San Francisco what olive oil is to Italy, a crucial part of the culture. But what is Sourdough? You might wonder… Well it is simply a dough let to ferment with a specific natural bacteria and yeast before it is baked, and has a slightly sour taste.

Arizmendi mastered the usage of this dough and makes very unique (and delicious!) combinations. Depending on what day of the week you visit, you might be able to try a fig fennel, a cinnamon raisin, an apple sage, or chocolate cherry sourdough bread. All the pizzas served also have a sourdough crust. If you are in the mood for some sweets, you could have a sourdough croissant offered plain, with almond or chocolate. There are also lots of Gluten Free options: muffins, scones, cookies… Little Voyageurs' favorite is the moist dark brownie!

And the kids in all that? Well, there is no doubt that they will love everything in the bakery, and will even be able to pick out what they want from the self-service shelves. If you are with your stroller, opt for outdoor seating on the public benches right in front of the bakery. If you want more space, head to the Golden Gate Park by walking North on 9th avenue.

What's Around?Golden Gate Park Attractions. Arizmendi is conveniently located five minutes walking from the entrance of the Golden Gate Park. You will hit the Botanical Garden, and then the California Academy of Sciences and the De Young museum.Photograph by Sabrina BotPhotograph by Sabrina BotPhotograph by Sabrina Bot[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title="BACK TO CATEGORIES" shape="square" align="left" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-angle-double-left" link="||" add_icon="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row]

San Francisco Le Goûter