[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PIZZA HACKER. A gigantic chalkboard to draw on while waiting.

"Delicious pizza and it’s big and noisy (a key element to eating in a restaurant with children without having a nervous breakdown). Also, they have chalkboard painted-walls so the kids can draw to their heart’s content while you are waiting." | Eunice Moyle, Co-Founder Hellolucky.

"Best pizza in San Francisco , great service and a chalkboard wall where kids can draw." | Vanessa Portois, Vanessa Portois, Founder French Mothers Groups San Francisco and Co-Founder Apropos SF.

Photograph courtesy of Pizza Hacker

Filled with primary colors from the furniture to the walls, Pizza Hacker will immediately make you feel warmly welcomed. The large communal tables with lots of space in between are great for little ones to sit comfortably. Very relaxed and low key, this place is ideal for a casual family meal.

FARINA PIZZA. A relaxed yet more upscale pizza option.

"From the time Dashiell, our son, was a baby we have been taking him to Farina for pizza night. We love the bright, chic space and delicious food; he loves getting dough to play with and watching the chefs in the kitchen." | Lauren Podolls, Co-Founder The Podolls.

A great restaurant for those in need of a quiet and immaculate restaurant. Located in the heart of the hipster Mission district, Farina Pizza's terrace will offer you a great opportunity for some interesting people-watching.

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