And Also…


Little Delhi. INDIAN. "The staff has watched our daughter grow up and love to take her back to the kitchen to say hello. They always make her a special plate of curried veggies." | Erin Feher, Bay Area Editor of Red Tricycle. Address: 83 Eddy St.

4505 BBQ & Burgers. BURGER. "Fantastic barbecues and burgers. Outdoor seating that’s kid proof, they even have a mini picnic table for the littles" | Eunice Moyle, Co-Founder Hellolucky. Address: 705 Divisadero St.

Roam Artisanal Burgers. BURGER. Delicious artisanal burgers at a good price. We love the balanced kids’ menu, including house-made Soda, organic apple juice or organic milk + a burger or grilled cheese + French fries or carrots and cucumber. Addresses: 1923 Fillmore St // 1785 Union St // 23 Lafayette Cir.

Cha-ya, VEGETARIAN JAPANESE. "There is always a free table and the food is delicious. The staff there is very sweet and full of attention for my girls." | Chloé Fleury, Illustrator and Prop Stylist. Address: 762 Valencia St.

Rin's Thai, THAI/VIETNAMESE. "They are very sweet with the kids, you can easily make modifications of dishes and of course— there is a playground across the street. " | Claudia Volpi, owner Superga San Francisco. Address: 4301 24th St.

City View, DUMPLINGS. The prices are low, the atmosphere lively (important when you’ve got a vocal, wiggly little one) and the food is, in a word, delicious. Your kids will love watching the ballet of carts filled with dumplings and other delicious Chinese specialities. Follow your meal with a trip to the Willie “Woo Woo” Wong playground (Sacramento St and Hang Ah St) just a few blocks. Address: 662 Commercial St.

Yummy Yummy, VIETNAMESE SOUPS.  Cheap, fast, fresh and DELICIOUS. Little ones will love tasting your soup's rice noodles and playing with the friendly, engaging staff. You will love basically every item on the menu (in particular, numbers 8 and 126 with peanut broth!). Address: 1015 Irving St.

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