The San Francisco Zoo


"The Elinor Friend Playground and Sculpture Garden are amazing!" | Eunice Moyle, Co-Founder Hellolucky.

The Elinor Friend Playground Eunice Moyle refers to is an incredible unique playground. Hanging bridges, slides, secret tunnels, monkey bars and swings are hiding among tree-like and iceberg-like play structures. There are different areas adapted both to crawlers and walkers.

The zoo offers many more wonders. Past the entrance to your right, you might see a couple of giraffes' head from a distance…There are a lot of wild and exotic animals living around the park: ostriches, lions, penguins, bears, hippopotamus and kangaroos. The petting zoo will be another big moment of your visit as the kids will be able to pet goats and sheep.

What's around?Ocean Beach. Five minutes walking from the exit of the park, you will find Ocean Beach, the biggest beach in San Francisco bordered with a pretty concrete path.Outer Sunset. Five minutes by car from the zoo will take you to the new coolest neighborhood around town, home to two of our pretty shops: The General Store and Mollusk Surf Shop. On your way to the Outer Sunset, stop at the Devil's Teeth Baking Company for some yummy lunch or snack treats.

Photograph by Marianne Hale

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