Young At Art Museum


"It is a 40 minute drive from Miami Beach but it is totally worth it. It is an art museum just for kids, so great!" | Valerie Schimel, Founder of Munchkin Fun

There is no doubt your kids will know more about art after a visit to the Young At Art Museum. Extremely well-designed, the museum really makes art, its history and meaning accessible to little ones. In a replica of a New York City subway wagon they will be able to discover the world of graffiti; in the portrait gallery they will be able to make a self-portrait; in the CultureScapes gallery they will discover art from different countries and in the GreenScapes gallery they'll see how art can teach about environmental issues. Older kids will have a blast trying out the constantly changing art stations within each gallery. Kids four and younger will have their own play room and also themed play dates three times per week focused around art, music and movement. In addition to all these wonderful indoor activities, Young At Art offers two interesting outdoor spaces - a playground and the "I LOVE YOU" enclosed garden where kids can eat, play and do craft projects around gigantic colorful letters.

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