"On a rainy day, we like to walk in the Saint-Hubert Royal Galleries, under the huge glass roof. We first make a stop at Mary, an absolutely exquisite chocolate artisan (the packaging is also lovely), then we stop to drink hot chocolate at Mokafé surrounded by grannies (we love the old fashioned atmosphere!) And we end at Tropismes, the finest bookstore in the world where one always finds a book from an unknown author that has not yet been read (very selective selection)." Sabrina Palmisano, founder Boucle d'Or store.

Designed in 1836 by a young architect, Jean-Pierre Cluysenaer, the Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert are the oldest covered galleries in Europe. Composed of 3 galleries in honor of the royal family - the galleries of the Queen (from rue du Marché-aux-Herbes to Rue des Bouchers), galleries du Roi (east of rue des Bouchers) and Galleries of the Princes - they've always drawn a large audience attracted by its luxury brands, elegant cafés and cultural spaces. With their Renaissance-style facades, their vintage shop fronts, and a majestic metal canopy (a real technical achievement), they represent a unique luxury shopping mall, the only one of its kind. A must-go!

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