Just an hour's drive from Miami, you will find the Everglades National Park. Designated by UNESCO as a Wetland Area of Global Importance, here you can explore over 100 varieties of swamp plants and nearly 360 species of birds.

But the biggest attraction there is the airboat ride through the tall grass of marshy waters to meet alligators and crocodiles. If you're lucky, you'll be able to meet several during the tour.The park is well protected and only a few companies offer airboat tours. Among them: Gator ParkCaptain Mitch's Airboat ToursCaptain Jack's Airboat Tours.

If you go through Gator Park, do not miss the second part of the show where a professional guide explains the difference between alligators and crocodiles. There is also a very close demonstration with an adult alligator and then a baby one. At the end, you can even hold the little reptile in your arms for a souvenir photo.

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