The mom behind Park Slope's prettiest toy store is passionate about her city: Brooklyn. "I have has been living here for half of my life. I moved to Park Slope after college with two of my high school friends. I fell in love here, got married here, had my daughter Charley here, and have now fulfilled my dream of owning a small business. "It’s pretty special", she confesses. Courtney is also deeply passionate about her store, Norman and Jules that she created with her husband. They designed a toy shop celebrating imaginary play and offer a unique collection of locally handcrafted toys, wooden toys and whimsical decoration for nurseries.


Eating out with your daughter. Most restaurants are family-friendly in Brooklyn, but here are some of our favorites. The garden at Frankies 457 on Court St. It’s super peaceful back there and it has a lot of history for us: we had our marriage celebration in their stable so it’s fun to revisit! Hometown Bar-B-Q in Red Hook is also amongst our favorites because it has a large space and it’s great that they let kids have some freedom. We are lucky in the way that Charley is an amazing eater so we can really go anywhere with her.

Grabbing a snack with your daughter. Ample Hills Creamery for ice cream. 

Culture for Frozen yogurt. We usually go there in the evening. Charley gets yogurt and then we go to the corner and Avi and I grab a beer.

Du Jour for a bite and a treat, their pastries are insanely delicious. 

Having fun on a sunny day. Brooklyn is filled with a number of wonderful options to spend a sunny day. Two of our favorites are Brooklyn Bridge Park and Lakeside in Prospect Park. We are definitely a water family so heading out to one the local beaches, or kayaking in the East River are also some of our faves.

Having fun on a rainy day. Rainy day activities are mostly playdates with friends. We also do a ton of art projects, bake and snuggle up to a movie. Private Picassos has been a great addition to our neighborhood.

A cultural activity with your daughter. There is so much culture in Brooklyn and surrounding boroughs. The Brooklyn Museum is a quick walk for us. We also frequent Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) for dance performances. If we are feeling up for the subway ride, Charley really loves The Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Brooklyn is comprised of many cultures so even scooting around and visiting different neighborhoods provides an opportunity to teach Charley.

One word to describe Brooklyn. Plentiful.