The California Academy Of Sciences


" The aquarium is loads of fun and the littles love the Cove, a little kids play space. We also love the taxidermy leopard up in the tree that occasionally roars (the first time my son experienced that, when he was about 2, he took off running - it was hilarious) and the herd of elephants that wander across the backdrop of the zebra display from time to time. Also, the restaurant is actually quite good and on a sunny day the kids can run around in the garden while you relax and enjoy your lunch." | Eunice Moyle, Co-Founder of Hello!Lucky.

 "We always have a great time there together!" | Lauren Podolls, Co-Founder of  The Podolls.

"The Academy of Sciences is a family favorite.  Little known fact:  if you go to the coat check and leave your ID, they’ll give your child a backpack full of scientist gears and a sort of scavenger hunt.  I made my own scavenger hunt for my son and he used the magnifying glass and notebook in the backpack to take notes— it’s very sweet and can be easy or hard depending on the age of the child." | Claudia Volpi, owner Superga San Francisco.

" The Tropical Forest is just unique with free butterflies flying everywhere" Stéphanie Ross, Co-Founder of Les Petits Carreaux.

Our Insiders pretty much said it all. The California Academy Of Sciences is a heaven for kids. They will love the gigantic aquariums with tens of colorful fishes, an open pool with manta rays and sharks swimming by, the tropical forest with its butterflies flying around you and its parrots. And in case you need further convincing, the place has a fantastic indoor playground with a miniature forest and ship, "the Cove" Eunice talked about in her description.

What's Around?Twirl and dip. An old-fashioned ice cream truck serving an incredible vanilla ice cream swirl dipped into melting chocolate, and topped with salt crystals!Golden Gate Park Attractions. The Japanese Tea Garden, Stow Lake, The Botanical Garden.Inner Sunset. A village like neighborhood filled with goodies to eat and shop for.ok Watching_Penguins_CAS_Kathryn Whitney[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title="BACK TO CATEGORIES" shape="square" align="left" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-angle-double-left" link="||" add_icon="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row]