WIELS (center of contemporary art)

"When it rains (or not actually), we go and see an exhibition at the Wiels, a center of contemporary art showing works of both emerging artists and more established national and international. They have a great bookstore with a wide choice of publications around contemporary art, photography, architecture and some other nice goodies." Sabrina Palmisano, founder Boucle D’or store.

The center of contemporary art opened its doors in 2007 in the former restored brewery, a building designed the architect by Adrien Blomme. It presents temporary exhibitions of established national and international artists as well as emerging talents. Activities for children - even toddlers - are proposed throughout the year: workshops; a movie-club which features an original selection of innovative short animated films; family shows every first Sunday ("Family Fundays") and even workshops dedicated to babies and their parents on certain weekends. We say YES!

  • Address: Avenue Van Volxem 354, 1190 Brussels. View map.
  • Phone: +32 2 340 00 53
  • Website: 

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