"Full of fun activities for the kids and they even organize birthday parties on request" Émilie Duchêne, founder of Thea Jewelry.

"When it's raining, we visit great exhibitions at the Musée des EnfantsAlice Savayan, blogger.

"For the little ones, I recommend the Children’s MuseumLéonie Flour, founder Mercredi store.

"We love to go to the Musée des Enfants in Ixelles (lots of valuable workshops accessibles to all ages)" Désirée Hohenlohe, founder Les Petites Abeilles.

The Children's Museum (Le Musée des Enfants) is a great place to stimulate young minds and take them into a world of imagination. The Museum wants to give children, through exhibitions involving their participation by way of play, the opportunity to learn how better to know themselves and others. The originality of the Children’s Museum lies, not in the method, learning by way of play, but in the content, knowledge of oneself and others. The Museum organizes exhibitions in which the children play and participate under the guidance of facilitators.

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Brussels it's raining