"I recommend the Atomium which is devoted to art and design. The spheres designed by the famous architects André and Jean Polak are magnificent. You can even rent one to sleep in with the kids." Léonie Flour, founder Boucle d'Or store.

The Atomium was the main pavilion and icon of the World Fair of Brussels (1958). It was not intended to survive beyond but its popularity and success soon made it a key landmark, first of Brussels then internationally.

The Atomium is composed of 8 plates distributed in 5 spheres. 2 plates house the permanent exhibition and the 3 others are reserved for temporary exhibitions related to design, architecture and themes of society. The upper sphere offers a spectacular panorama over all Brussels!

For the most adventurous children: Do not miss the Kids’ Sphere which invites children to sleep a night at the Atomium. The kids sleep in small groups in the mini-spheres, also referred to, rather poetically, as raindrops, which have been specially designed by the Spanish artist Alicia Framis. Awesome!

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