
"Prospect Park is a magical place! We visit at least a few times a week. My son plays soccer games there, and sometimes we go on nature walks or to watch the sunset with an ice cream. In the summer, Celebrate Brooklyn! hosts a series of live music acts in the Bandshell. Many of the concerts are free and kids are welcome! (Or leave them at home for a parents' night out.)" | Jill Rothstein, Stylist.

"On a sunny nice day we love exploring the park and playgrounds in our neighborhood, we are fortunate to live close to Prospect Park!" | Shannon Althin, Founder Natti Natti.

"We love exploring, going on trails or visiting the zoo." | Scot and Jacqueline Tatelman, founders of State Bags.

Prospect Park is a truly magical park offering year-round family fun. Some favorite activities include boating on the lake filled with swans, ice skating, and hiking on endless paths.

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Brooklyn Fun in the Sun