You got up at dawn, woke up the kids, drove for hours or lined up several times at the airport. You definitely need a break. You push the door of your vacation rental and find a gorgeons living room filled with natural light opening up to a garden with a slide and an inviting pool; a kitchen with a high chair and all the utensils you need to feed the little ones; bunked beds in one room, a pack'n'play already set up in another one and toys everywhere.

Are you dreaming? No. You just entered one of the 300 rentals listed on My Nomad Family. Marie Rivet, is the founder of this vacation rental platform changing the life of parents who want to travel to France. She tells us all about her smart concept.

Why did you create My Nomad Family?

Few years ago I wanted to take my kids on a trip for few days. They were three months and one year old. I thought that it would be easy to find a place to stay at, but I was wrong. Although I could see the label "family-friendly" on some website, it did not really mean anything. I ended up taking two pack'n'plays, and my double stroller. It was chaotic. I thought that travelling with kids should not be so hard, and I decided to create a tool to help parents. Pretty quickly I came up with the idea of a site specialised in family-friendly vacation rentals. I created My Nomad Family in 2015 with my brother.

Tell us about the proprieties you have on your site. 

We want our rentals to look like family houses in order for our guests to feel at home. On other websites, such as Abritel, Homeaway ou Airbnb, it is impossible to find family-friendly houses to rent with style and a unique ambiance. We only offer outstanding proprieties that have a soul. We find them through words of mouth and recommendations from our network of 10 000 families. 

There are strict criterias to become part of My Nomad Family such as: the look of the house, the amenities for families and kids, how secure the place is for kids...  For now we are only in France but we wish to extend to Europe and the rest of the world.  For a week on one of our rentals, the budget is between 3000 and 10 000 euros.

What other services do you offer besides rentals? 

We offer several services once you are in your rental: baby sitting, cleaning ladies and cooks. Our main goal is to facilitate family trips, and it even starts from your search on our site! To help parents, we've classified our properties: in three categories: "Ideal  for babies", "Ideal for kids" and "Ideal for teens." 

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