"The atelier créatif Lollipop offers great hands-on and creative workshops." Désirée Hohenlohe, founder and designer Les Petites Abeilles.

Located just a few steps from the Tenbosch Park, LOLLIPOP is an innovative workshop for children from 3 to 14 years old (and more!). L'Atelier is above all a place full of fun where kids can develop their imagination and embrace their creativity throughout the various artistic workshops and activities held on Wednesdays, weekends and even during the school holidays: mosaic, painting on ceramics (even for adults), pyrography, textile painting, wood decoration, jewelry creation, scrapbooking for teenagers...

LOLLIPOP will also love to help you tailor your birthday party!

  • Address: Rue de Tenbosch 55, 1050 Ixelles. View the map.
  • Phone: +32 492 31 81 78
  • Website:

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