[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text](By Charlotte Burgoyne)

It is 2 am. Your little one is screaming of hunger. You are in a hotel and you can't find any bottle, although you were sure to have packed one. You run down to the lobby, praying for them to have emergency baby bottles. "I am sorry Sir but we do not have such items." "How disappointing for such a prestigious hotel" you think to yourself... but it is not time moan about the situation. Upstairs your baby is waking up the entire floor. In a last attempt to solve the problem you run to the emergency room, where you finally find the precious bottle.

Jérome Stéfanski remembers this story like it was yesterday. In fact, what was supposed to be a refreshing week end with his wife, turned our to be the starting point of his latest business. The Belgian dad and serial entrepreneur has launched a couple months ago The Little Guest Hotels Collection, a website for demanding parents who are looking for extraordinary hotels suited for their next family vacation."I travel a lot with my wife and my son, and I could not find easily on Google four and five star kid-friendly hotels offering quality services for parents and a real program for children. Our goal is to insure parents memorable and incredible vacations" explains the founder of The Little Guest Hotels Collection.

Although the site is fairly new, it already boasts an incredible selection of palaces around the globe such as Spa with view on the lake of Geneva, surf and yoga retreat in Morocco, or a castle in Ireland. In order to become members of The Little Guest Hotels Collection, the hotels have to offer a list of services every parents have once dreamed of such as: emergency pacifier, baby bath and chair, bottle warmer, organic baby cosmetic, shuttle with baby seat, stroller, baby phone and if course emergency bottles!

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