By Charlotte Burgoyne,We ALL want the same thing: vacation with as little planning, cooking and cleaning as possible. Vacations that are REAL. Some parents try vacation rentals with friends and a babysitter, but planning meals and cleaning are still to be done; others go to vacation clubs for their kids' pleasure more than their.What to do then? Katy and Jacques have the answer. When their three kids where little, they experienced several failed trips:" I remember we had to be sneaky to manage to have something ready for our son David when we got to the hotel's restaurant. The waiter did not understand that a three year old kid did not care about mise en bouche and aperitif...what a pity. The food was delicious but our pleasure was ruined by our son who could not stay seated." explains Katy."And do you remember that time we stopped near Avignon, in a fancy hotel with an amazing restaurant. There was a gorgeous pool and we were looking forward to the kids jumping in. Unfortunately we had to constantly tell them to stop diving in, laugh or speak loudly...and we we asked to have a snack by the pool it was impossible!" adds Jacques.After these disappointing vacations, the couple had a brilliant idea: starting all inclusive guest houses where families would feel at home.Few years back they already developed a similar concept but instead of welcoming travelers, they were hosting companies willing to organise a seminar. They started out in their own house, but now the couple developed a network of over 50 guesthouses. Among those, 6 welcome periodically traveling tribes.Named the "Houses of Katy and Jacques"  these accommodations offer a true unique experience to families. Upon booking, you will be taken care of by Anne-Francoise and Alexia, two "nannies" who will do everything to make your trip as easy as possible. They will send you a packing list, the details to get to the house, and ask about your family habits to make your stay as personalized as possible.During your stay EVERYTHING is included, meals, activities, kids club...Little ones are taken care of by "enchanting baby-sitters" who are there for them from 8am to 10pm. Kids meet up with their parents at diner time. They can enjoy a menu put together just for them in a room just for them. Afterwards, there is a pyjamas party to let parents eat on their own, at their own pace!Italy, Spain, France or Switzerland...Where are you gonna go first? If you want to taste a bit of paradise, decided fast as bookings for this summer are going on right now!!! All the info[supsystic-gallery id='118']