"We’re also keen on the Parc Tenbosch in Ixelles, the Parc d’Egmont, and the Plaine de jeux Renier Chalon." Alice Savayan, blogger (Alice à Bruxelles).

Located close to Avenue Louise and Le Petit Sablon, Egmont Park is a quiet and hidden spot. Retreat here to escape from the busy shoppers and the stressful city. Yourcenar’s quote on the wall, perfectly trimmed bushes, and best of all, a statue of Peter Pan (one of the seven identical statues that are spread around the world). The charming neo-classical Orangerie has now become a restaurant (La Fabrique) for those who want to indulge in a chocolate cake or a carrok cake!

  • Address: Rue aux Laines 1000 Brussels. View map.

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