Dolores Park


"Dolores park is one of our go to places on the week end." | Chloé Fleury, Illustrator and Prop Stylist.

If you come here on the weekend, you might have to zigzag between crowds of locals flocking the park -they can be up to 10 000!- or be stopped by eye-catching visitors. A couple of parrots owners like coming here to fly their birds, artisanal cookie sellers try out their new batches, giant bubble makers and ecletic music groups like demonstrating their talents.

Once used as a refugee camp for the residents victims of the 1906 earthquake that shaked San Francisco hills, Dolores park is nowadays a "must see". This green space is perched on a hill between the two most iconic districts of San Francisco: Castro and Mission. Renovated in 2015, the Park is also home to a playground with fun slides, arty sculptures great for kids to play hide and seek, climbing walls and a big sandbox.

What's around?

Tartine Bakery. Grab the best viennoiseries in town and settle down in the Dolores Park. Address: 600 Guerrero St.

Bi-Rite Creamery. Don't be afraid of the line… It goes fast and you'll get rewarded by an amazing organic soft serve ice cream locally made. Address: 3692 18th St.

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