Deuz, the wandering games.


Get 50% off the entire Deuz collection with promo code "LITTLEVOYAGEURS"

By Charlotte Burgoyne,

Deuz is a family story. "When you are 6 kids, and you travel a lot, you have to find ways to organise games in the plane or on the corner of a sofa" explains Charlotte, the co-founder of Deuz. Her dad being a pilot, her and her 5 brothers and sisters got to travel very often as kids. To keep quiet, the best option was then to organise board games for little and big kids. "In order to make the games last longer, we were coming up with our own rules sometimes" recalls Charlotte.To honor these lovely childhood games, Charlotte and one of her sister decided to create Deuz, a game and decor online shop. The name refers to the way French kids counts, and also to the duo the sisters make. "We insist on creating beautiful, timeless, and unforgettable products. We want them to stay in families as long as possible and pass on to the next generations; just like we did in our family. Every week end, we gather at our parents' house and we love taking out our favorite board games" shares Charlotte.Deuz team also wants to leave a big space for imagination in their products. On Deuz playmates for instance, they drew shapes that can be whatever the kids want...The idea is really to enable little ones to create their own world and adventures. Today Deuz is sold in 30 countries and offers products for kids 0 to 8 years old.Our favorites are, obviously their nomad collection made for travelling tribes. It includes, playmates ultra light and thin (you pretty much won't notice it in our suitcase) and classical French board games to carry in a mini, ultra cute tote bag.