[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Charlotte Burgoyne.

Pssssst, we have a secret. We've just found a way to take the kids on a trip without leaving home!!! Wha, what??! Yes, no need to pack, wait in line and hope on a plane for hours. All you need to do is open your toy box and get your Daradam game.

Daradam is a publishing house specialised in educational toys inspired by the cultural heritage of the Arab world. Their concept is to awaken kids' curiosity for this part of the world. For instance, their last game, Arabcity is a wooden memory game taking the kids to the narrow streets of Sanaa's old city, in front of the Samaraa mosque in Irak or the Sursock palace in Beyrouth. These architectural wonders are out of reach these days, and Daradam enables little ones to discover them in a fun way. Arabicubes, wooden blocks engraved with Arabic letters, will get little ones familiar with the Arabic alphabet; while the card game Arabicouples will introduce kids the traditional clothes of people in the Arab world.

Daradam's toys are unique and extremely well designed. Little Voyageurs loves their aesthetic mixing joyful colors, wood and gorgeous illustrations. Whether you are interested in the Arab culture, getting ready for a trip to the Arab world, looking for a pretty gift or an elegant toy for your house, Daradam will please you.

We've met the mom behind this smart concept, Hanna Lenda, a product designer originally from Hungary.

Tell us the story behind Daradam.

My husband is from Tunisia, I met him in France where we decided to settle down. At home we speak three languages with our two kids, and this unusual situation inspired me a lot to create Daradam. When my kids started speaking Arabic, I was looking for some educational toys to complete their learning process. I could not find anything, so I decided to create my own games. The name of the company came pretty easily "Dar" means house in Arabic and "Adam" is my son's first name!

How do you conceive your games?

I work closely with Arabic teachers. The educative aspect of my products is very important but I want it to be suttle. I don't want to stuff kids with knowledge, but rather try to spark an interest in the Arab culture. I am also sensitive to the aesthetic of my products and I select young Arab artists to illustrate the games. For Arabcity, I worked with the Tunisian cartoonist Noha Hbaieb. Her drawings are like little postcards of daily scenes in oriental cities.

Who are your toys for? 

For now, our games are for kids aged 4 to 10 years old. In 2018 we are going to develop products for teens. Parents who like traveling and mixte couples who live abroad and would like to pass over their culture to the kids both really seem to appreciate our collection.

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