
"Gorgeous little shop in Hayes Valley that carries the most amazing Japanese kids’ clothes. Pricey, but they last for ages. My strategy is to buy big so they can wear the clothes for years." | Eunice Moyle, Co-Founder Hellolucky.

"Pretty expensive so I buy very big sizes for my son to wear them a long time. I love the animal socks collection" | Lauren Podolls, Co-Founder The Podolls.

A minimalist store with Japanese imported goods by a Japanese family. The selection is impeccable and only features high quality, handmade clothes and accessorizes from Japan. "I want everybody to wonder if they are still in San Francisco, or if they somehow arrived in a little slice of Japan upon walking through the doors of Cotton Sheep. That is my Dream." explains Eiko, the owner of Cotton Sheep.

What's Around?

La Boulangerie. A taste of France in San Francisco. See our "Le Goûter" category for more info.

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