
"Brooklyn Children's Museum is really great. It has animals, reptiles, a water exhibit,  and grocery market where kids can go shopping." | Scot and Jacqueline Tatelman, Founders of State Bags.

"The Brooklyn Children's Museum is pretty incredible, I believe it was the first children's museum in New York." | Katya Libin, Co-Founder of Heymama.

"A fun spot close by on a rainy day." | Shannon Althin, Founder Natti Natti.

 "It has so many great activities for kids." | William Bench, Founder of Olivier Amandine.

The Brooklyn Children's Museum is a very pleasant indoor refuge for families. The vast space resembles a miniature Brooklyn with its own pizza shop, community garden, grocery store, and bus stop. There are also daily drop-in programs including craft activities, music making and story time.

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