And Also…


CONTEMPORARY JEWISH MUSEUM. Drop-in art classes every Sunday and on the second Sunday of every month the museum opens earlier just for preschoolers and their families. Make sure to take the free Artpack at the admission desk as these self-guided activities will help the entire family connect with art. Also not to miss, the Zim Zoom Family room where you'll find supplies to make art. Check the museum's online calendar for story time, music, and shows like puppets.

CHILDREN'S ART CENTER. Drop-in art classes available for kids aged 2 to 10. Needs to be booked 48h in advance by email: or by phone: (415) 771-0292.

RANDALL MUSEUM. Drop-in science cessions on Saturdays & Toddler Drop-in art classes every Tuesday (susceptible to schedule changes, check their website).

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