Opened in December 2015 and located close to the Atomium, the ADAM is a new museum dedicated to art and design of the 20th century and today. It houses the exceptional collection of the Plasticarium, the work of a Brussels collector Philippe Decelle, which, over 1500m² of exhibition space, brings together 2,000 plastic objects, from the most daily to masterpieces.

The ADAM offers a great number of kids' activities developed by the Atomium and the CIVA Foundation. These activities include organised visits tailored to the younger generation and workshops, which enable the childrento develop their knowledge of the subject presented in the exhibition while using their creative skills.

  • Address: Trade Mart Brussels, Belgiëplein 1, 1020 Brussel. View map.
  • Phone: +32 2 475 47 64
  • Website: 

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